Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My Personal Message and Song Dedicated to COVID-19 Healthcare Workers

Break Your Kindness Into Pieces
© 2020 John Edwin Snyder

Click here ->  Break Your Kindness into Pieces

This is my video message and song.

Dedicated to the healthcare workers on the front line in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. They give of themselves everyday beyond the point of exhaustion. They represent the best among us who fought against the odds and naysayers with science and expertise. For many victims, theirs were the last hands to be held. May the kindness and love they spread be multiplied to them.

Break your kindness into pieces
and spread it all around.
May your goodness be divided
and love always abound.

May it fall on those that hunger,
and lost and all alone.
Like the tale of loaves and fishes
love grows where it is sown.

When your own heart is heavy;
your arms can lift no more.
And your feet have grown so weary;
your muscles aching sore.

May the kindness you divided
be multiplied and shown.
Like the tale of loaves and fishes
love grows where it is sown.